Billie Piper (born Leian Paul Piper; 22 September 1982) is a British actress, dancer and former singer. She made her TV debut in children’s entertainment and at the age of 15 signed a recording contract and released her debut single. “Because We Want To” entered at the top of the UK Singles Chart and made her the youngest artist ever to enter at number one on the chart. The single was followed by the album Honey to the B (1998), which was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of New Zealand and platinum by the British Phonographic Industry. In 2000, she released her second album but in 2003, she retired from the recording industry and launched her acting career.

Billie Piper Karaoke Backing Tracks -Because We Want To  …   Day And Night  …   Girlfriend  …   Honey To The Bee  …   She Wants You  …   Something Deep Inside  …   Tide Is High  …   Walk Of Life  …

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