Disney Pinocchio
Disney’s “Pinocchio,” released in 1940, is a classic animated feature film based on Carlo Collodi’s 1883 Italian novel “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. It tells the enchanting story of a wooden puppet brought to life by the Blue Fairy. Crafted by the lonely woodcarver Geppetto, Pinocchio dreams of becoming a real boy and embarks on a journey filled with adventure, temptation, and self-discovery.
Pinocchio’s iconic song, “When You Wish Upon a Star,” won an Academy Award for Best Original Song and became synonymous with the Disney brand. Despite its initial mixed box office performance, “Pinocchio” has since been celebrated as a masterpiece, influencing countless adaptations and maintaining its status as a beloved Disney classic.
Backing Tracks – Give A Little Whistle … When You Wish Upon A Star
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