You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Backing Tracks

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You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Backing Tracks : My New Philosophy

You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown The Musical

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown is a 1967 musical comedy with music and lyrics by Clark Gesner, based on the characters created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz in his comic strip Peanuts. The musical has been a popular choice for amateur theatre productions because of its small cast and simple staging.

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On March 7, 1967, the musical premiered off-Broadway. The musical opened in the West End in London on February 1, 1968 and ran for 116 performances.

Ten of Clark Gesner’s songs for You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown were originally featured on a concept album.

You’re A Good Man Charlie Brown Backing Tracks

My New Philosophy


Charlie Brown, portrayed as the quintessential everyman, deals with issues of self-worth and perseverance, while others, like the insightful Linus, the bossy Lucy, and the imaginative Snoopy, each offer their distinct perspectives. The show’s enduring appeal lies in its ability to convey profound truths through simplicity and humour, resonating with audiences both young and old.

The play begins with Charlie Brown and Linus talking.  It moves along, introducing more of the “Peanuts” gang; Patty, Schroeder, Lucy, and Snoopy. All of the characters share their observations of Charlie Brown. As the play progresses, the relationships of the “Peanuts” characters to one another are further expanded. The play concludes with the characters each listing the things that, for them, constitute happiness.