Song And Dance Backing Tracks

A graphic with text "Song and Dacne Backing Tracks" over a cloudy sky background with a musical note symbol.

Song and Dance Backing Tracks – Unexpected Song, Tell Me On A Sunday, Take That Look Off Your Face, 

Song and Dance is a musical comprising two acts, one told entirely in “Song” and one entirely in “Dance”, tied together by a unifying love story.

The “Song” act is Tell Me on a Sunday, with lyrics by Don Black and music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, about a young British woman’s romantic misadventures in New York City and Hollywood. The “Dance” act is a ballet choreographed to Variations, composed by Lloyd Webber for his cellist brother Julian, which is based on the A Minor Caprice No. 24 by Paganini.


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Act 1

Song focuses on an English girl who has recently arrived in New York. Following an argument with her boyfriend, they decide to break up. She writes to her mother in England about what happened, and that she has met a new man, Hollywood producer Sheldon Bloom, with whom she travels to California. She eventually realizes that Sheldon has only been using her as a trophy, and she ends things once and for all.

The girl returns to New York disappointed and meets a younger man who she finds more fulfilling. When he has to leave on a business trip, the girl can’t bear to let him go. Her friend later comes over to tell her about the man’s infidelity, and she asks him for the truth.

Depressed, the girl walks through the city streets. She meets a married man, and reflects on whether their affair is wrong. The married man comes by to confess his love, however she realises that she has been using him. In the end she decides that it wasn’t the end of the world to have no one.

Act 2

Dance explores the story of the younger man, his various relationships and his commitment issues. At the end, the man sees the girl, and they make up, joining both at last in Song and Dance.

Song And Dance Backing Tracks

Last Man In My Life … Take That Look Off Your Face …  Tell Me On A Sunday … Unexpected Song