Tegan and Sara Backing Tracks

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Tegan and Sara Backing Tracks

Tegan and Sara Backing Tracks – Everything Is Awesome

Tegan and Sara are a Canadian indie pop band formed in 1998 in Calgary, Alberta, composed of identical twin sisters Tegan Rain Quin and Sara Keirsten Quin (born September 19, 1980). Both musicians are songwriters and multi-instrumentalists.  The pair have released eight studio albums and numerous EPs. Their eighth album, Love You to Death, was released on June 3, 2016. The duo earned a Grammy nomination in 2013 for their DVD/Live Album “Get Along”.

Everything Is Awesome is a song which featured in “The Lego Movie” as well as being used for marketing the film. Tegan and Sara are an indie pop duo and were approached by the comedy band Lonely Island to corroborate to make the track to accompany Lego Movie. Although not their usual style, they agreed to give it a go and even ended up with “cameo” Lego roles in the film.


ListenSong TitleArtistGenre



Tegan And Sara Backing Tracks

Everything Is Awesome

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